It's December! (Also, writing, life, and A NEW NOVEL WOO)

So. It's December. It's the birthday month of my grandpa, my dad, me, Jesus, and my awesome author friend Jacqueline West. WOO DECEMBER. I'm so excited! I'm going to be fifteen. AHHH HELP.

But yeah. So I started out NaNoWriMo well, but I really slacked off towards the end. I was so busy! AGH. But it was interesting. Heh. I didn't make my goal, but that's okay too. I just got so busy with school and friends and life that I just kind of gave up on my novel. Oops.

Also, speaking of novels, I just started yet ANOTHER novel. So it's called Time and Time Again, and it has to do with time-traveling, dimension-crossing, fate, and a lot of other things. IT'S SO GREAT OH MY LORD *flails* So yeah. I've started a Pinterest board inspired by Time and Time Again, and it's SO AESTHETICALLY PLEASING LIKE OH MY GOSH I LOVE IT.

But yeah. So writing is going well, and I'm drawing a lot, and I'm singing and learning to play the ukulele (thanks again, Becca! (For those of you who don't know, my aunt is lending me her ukulele until Christmas. YAY)), I'm reading a LOT, and life is just happening. It's great.

Life really is great.

No, that is not sarcasm. I'm actually in a happier place now. I'm in a calm spot in this storm of life, even though my life is crazy and busy and confusing at times. But I really am happy. I am at peace for the time being, and I will gladly take this calm moment.

Also, I apologize for the lack of blog posts lately! I've been busy and exhausted and writing and a million other things lately. Life happens, guys. But life has been good to me.

~ Indi


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