back from the dead // some life updates, the future of this blog, and new projects

*rises from the dead*

Well. I'm alive! It's only been... *checks calendar* oh, you know... almost six years since I updated my blog.


life updates

Where to start? My last update was on the cusp of the beginning of my sophomore year, and boy oh boy did a LOT of stuff change. Sophomore year was hectic and quite honestly... I don't remember most of it. As far as junior year goes, I was part of my high school's production of Newsies in November, entered a relationship in January 2019, got voted for prom court... then that relationship turned incredibly toxic and I blanked out for a solid four months at the end of it. 

I don't remember most of my senior year, unfortunately. 

I broke up with that person in December 2019, started dating someone else in February 2020...

And then the pandemic hit.

I somehow graduated high school, went to college for a semester and then moved back home. I met my current boyfriend in real life for the first time in July 2020 (it's him, he's the guy I started dating in February 2020), and we've had four more wonderful visits since then. I started a full-time job, and... well, that's about it, honestly. It feels a bit odd to see the past almost-six years of my life laid so bare like this.

I do feel bad for abandoning my blog so abruptly, but at the same time, it's nice to have a bit of a fresh start, so to speak. I am an entirely different person than the person I was last time I updated here... and I think I'm okay with that.

Oh, also--I have changed my name; I go by Indigo now (Indi is a nickname!), and while I'm waiting to change it legally until I get married, it is my preferred name. I edited my old blog posts to change my name as well. :) 

I also changed the ~aesthetic~ of the blog, some of the layout, and the general vibe--and I like it a whole lot more. I've also updated my social media under the 'contact me' page, so feel free to go follow me elsewhere!

blog plans

I am really hoping to update this blog weekly. I struggled with consistency quite frequently in the past, but I'm aiming to post at least every other week. I am also starting to attempt to do content creation in other aspects, such as starting a YouTube channel and instagram--those updates will come in future posts. 

All in all, I do miss blogging, and I'm really hoping to become more consistent with it. As cringe-inducing as it was to read through my old posts when I was editing my outro in them, it was oddly cathartic in the same breath, to see just how much I have changed and matured since then. This is my own personal little corner of the internet, and I'm excited to see how it'll continue to grow and evolve. <3

new projects

And the final tidbit of news: I am working on a new project for Camp NaNoWriMo! You can find my NaNoWriMo profile here. It's been a handful of years since I did anything with NaNoWriMo--I think the last time I partook in a challenge was Camp NaNoWriMo 2018. What with school and work and everything, I hadn't had time to write for the past few years (hence why this blog has been dead for years)--but I'm finally managing stress a bit better, and hoping to continue forward with this novel... and maybe even get published one day.

~ ~ ~

I'm 21 years old now, have a 'big-kid' job, I've been in a loving, healthy, happy relationship for the past three years. I have a handle on my depression and anxiety and PTSD, I'm in a happy place in life right now. It's refreshing to realize just how good life has gotten after that bad patch in my junior year of high school. I'm doing it, I keep whispering to myself... and it makes me smile every time.

And now... I think that's all for this update. 

I've missed this too much. It is so, so great to be back.

Love always,



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