It's already August?!! (And other things)

So. Today is my mom's birthday! Happy birthday mommy! Love ya!

And yesterday was the first day of August. SCHOOL STARTS IN LESS THAN A MONTH, YOU GUYS. WHATTTTTTTT. I've already gotten all my school supplies except for my backpack. xDD I miss all my friends and I'm really quite excited for school to start again. Yay!

So I've been trying to keep up with the whole weekly post thing, and I already failed. -.- So the week after I posted my first blog post, we went to South Dakota. FOR A WHOLE ENTIRE WEEK. And we camped in Custer State Park. And we saw Mount Rushmore. And the Crazy Horse Memorial. And we went to Wall Drug. I LOVED THE TRIP. But it's also good to be home. And the week after our trip, I completely lost track of time and wrote and wrote and wrote. I meant to put up a blog post, I swear... xD

So my life has been very busy, but it's been a good busy. I'm trying to write every day, and I also set aside time to read. I've also been working on lots of artwork, and I hope that I can keep up this schedule, because I'm happy and comfortable and not too stressed out. I have anxiety attacks and I've been depressed for almost a year now. Thank god, the depression has gotten better, but it's still there. I just need to have a schedule set for myself or I'll start hyperventilating. So my schedule for a normal summer day might look like this:

7:30~ wake up
8:00~ groan and accept the fact that I can't fall back asleep into the really good dream I was having (this is me. EVERY DAY. xD)
8:15~ go upstairs and get breakfast/see what chores I have for the day
8:30(?)-??~ do chores (I don't really have a specific time I do chores. xD)
12:00~ eat lunch
1:00-??~ draw or color (whatever I want to do that day)
3:00~ get decent clothes on, brush hair, etc. (this only happens sometimes. xD)
??-??~ write (or doodle in the margins, or draw characters or scenes, or just flat out avoid writing... xD)

And that's my typical schedule. xD Not much to it, but it's nice to have a basic structure to the day, ya know?

I shall see you later!

Love you!

~ Indi


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