dear sophomore year (and a few ramblings and apologies)

So let me start off by saying, I am so sorry for not updating my blog all summer. I finished my freshman year, then had a crazy busy summer, and now it's back to school this Friday.

Anyway, with it being a new school year, I'm deciding to freshen up the overall appearance of the blog, as well as try to update every week.

So, without further ado, here's a little letter-ish thing to my sophomore year (inspired by the lovely Katie Grace- check her out here.)

dear sophomore year

Dear sophomore year: as I sit here writing this post, I'm still both dreading and looking forward to going back to school. With my sophomore year comes a whole slew of new responsibilities: driving, getting straight A's (HA. No.),  hopefully getting a job, and a million other things.

In less than three short years, I'm going to be done with high school and off to college.

I remember when I was younger, thinking I had forever until high school. And look--one year of it just flew by! I couldn't wait to grow up, and here I have just over three months until I'm sixteen.

I'm sitting here, soaking up my last complete day of summer before it's off to band camp tomorrow through Thursday and then school on Friday. Life is so crazy busy, with preparing for homecoming and field shows (we're doing a David Bowie theme this year! Totally not freaking out... nope. Not at all.), doodling, watching TV when I'm supposed to be doing chores, stuffing my face with homemade pizza (SO. GOOD.), and writing here and there, my summer has flown by.

So let's raise a glass (preferably lemonade for me xD) to sophomore year, or whatever school year we're going into. Cheers.

Now on to some updates and such! Sooooo I've been writing a lot lately, and it's actually turning out decently? I really can't tell you all much about it yet, because it's still in the veeeeeryyyyy early stages, but I'm going to come up with a little blurb and (yet another) Pinterest board soon, I promise. And I also promise I'll try to update more regularly!

Thank you all for being so patient with me. <3 p="">


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