"it's sooo easy to write a book!"// rants + ramblings (and my writing process)

So today is a typical Monday. (And, side note, I'm actually kind of keeping up a regular schedule with blogging! Woop! I might switch blogging days to Monday, but might keep them on Fridays. Or, even, do both Mondays and Fridays. *le gasp* I like the idea of both Mondays and Fridays, but that's tentative for now. I'll see how it goes!)

Anyway, like I said, today is a Monday. In other words, exhausting and blah. Okay. So on Mondays and any day in general , if I get mad or irritated about something, I tend to let it simmer all day. Darn it, now I'm thinking about soup. Anyway, this is a topic about something I enjoy greatly: writing.

So one day I was scrolling through Pinterest (like I always do), and I came across a post. You can find it here. I read through it, and it's been on my mind for a long time now.

Writing a book is difficult. Editing is difficult. EVERYTHING IS DIFFICULT. A few people at school know that I'm writing a book, and a few have even dared to say "oh, that's so easy to write a book! I bet that I could write a book!" No. Just no. It is not easy to write a book. Do these people think that us authors/writers can just sit down with a pen and notebook (or computer, for people like me), write for three hours, and have a completed book by the end of that? No.

Writing a book takes so, so much time and effort. It's a long, painful process. And that's not even factoring in the countless plot holes, typos, or even editing. So I'm going to show you what my writing process typically is, and hopefully give some insight as to exactly how difficult it is to write a book.


So the first stage is inspiration. I don't know if it's just me, but it takes forever for inspiration to hit me. Literally forever. I am eternally jealous of people who get lots of ideas all the time. o.o Anyway, once I finally get an idea, I either scribble it down into my notebook if I'm at school, or I immediately run and grab my computer and start typing. Then, eventually, I begin to actually tie together my ideas, which leads to my next stage: writing.

Writing. *sighs dreamily* This stage is probably my favorite. This is where everything ties together nicely, I create nice imagery, and it's beautiful and perfect. NOT. Writing is a mess for me. It can be a little stressful at times (especially if I'm doing NaNoWriMo). But it's still one of my favorite things to do. <3 p="">

setting aside
Pretty self-explanatory. Once I feel done writing, I set it aside for a while and do something else. I tend to do this after I write big blocks of chapters (like ten or more) and then come back to it after a while.

Is it sad that I haven't even truly edited my books yet? xD I'm wayyyy too busy for that right now! Maybe over summer, I'll actually finish my book and then begin editing.


As for what comes after editing... Well, I don't know quite yet. But I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. For now I'm focusing on finishing up the school year and finishing my book (eventually). There's only 32 days left of school (yes, I am counting down). School is flying by, and it's crazy. I'm already almost a sophomore! o.o Over summer I hopefully will get a job, and might even learn to... *gulps* drive. Yes, the dreaded driving. 

And, also, next Christmas break I get to go down to Orlando (I live in central WI) for a bowl game for band. <3 strike="">That's totally not the only reason I'm getting a job...
 I already have a jar for a place to keep my money and have about $25 already? But the total cost for the trip is about $800-$900, not counting food and souvenir expenses. I'm really excited about this trip! <3 p="">

Hope you all have a lovely day!

~ Indi


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