I'm back!!

So. It's January. It's cold and snowy outside, and bright and warm inside.

It's finals week, and I'm crazy busy and tired already, but it's definitely an interesting experience. I'm just in a little bit of a brighter spot in life, and it's good.

Also, Canadian friends are the best! (Shoutout to Jules, Ares, Suzy, Danny, and (last but definitely not least) Aidan! Love you all! *hands you all maple butter and meese*) 

I'm happy but tired, but life is good right now. Lots of friends are making me smile, and I love you all.

Also, my apologies for the slight blog hiatus... I was super stressed and tired, but I'm alive! Barely hanging by a thread, but still...

Love you guys!

And, since it's a new year, I'm using a new outro!!

~ Indi


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