NaNoWriMo- Week One

So. It's already been a week since November, and more importantly, NaNoWriMo has begun. And I did a stupid thing: I decided to restart my novel. I had been planning on continuing on a novel I had started earlier this year, but I just wasn't feeling it.

So the novel I'm starting for NaNoWriMo is called VANISH. It's mystery/thriller YA novel, and I'm in love with how it's turning out. So I think for this month, I'll be focusing on plotting and writing the first draft, and maybe editing and rewriting if I get it done early. But yeah! I really love all the plot twists I have planned out for the book. And it'll definitely make you question not only the main character's sanity, but your own as well. MWAHAHAHAHAAA. xD But I'm quite proud of how it's turning out! It's definitely an emotional rollercoaster, with a betrayal right in the beginning of the book.

I love it.


So I may or may not be crazy. I just thank the dear Lord above that I didn't decide to switch novels later on in the month. THANK YOU GOD.

But yeah, I'm still alive!

Love you guys!

~ Indi


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