An October Wrap-Up

So October is already over. Goodness. And yes, I realize I'm writing this a day late. But I was having fun trick-or-treating with my little brother last night. xD

But October was fun! I really like October. A lot. Haa. I had fun working more on my novel, and now I'm into the NaNo craziness! But I love NaNoWriMo. But I'll probably hate it by the end of this month. Ha.

But yeah, not much is going on in my life. It's slowing down a little bit. And since I don't have much to keep me busy (outside of school and homework), I'm slowly going crazy. xD

Life is so crazy right now... Ugh.

I hope you all had a nice halloween, and see you all in the next post!

~ Indi


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