Life is... interesting right now.

So. My life is definitely interesting right now, to say the least. I've been really stressed with school and a lot of drama that I don't want to deal with. So I've been a little busy, to say the least. xD

Anyway, so there's a lot of drama right now, like the fact that my (now ex) best friend is dating the guy I like. And she knew that I liked him. But did that stop her from saying yes? No. I guess I'm getting to that point in my life where I find out who's really my friends and who's not. *sigh* Can I just not deal with this?!! AGHHH.

But on a brighter note, I'm still writing! A LOT. So I might start asking and begging people to read my book. And I might start looking for publishers. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HELP ME.

Anyway, just wanted to pop by and let you all know that I'm alive! Barely, haha. But still.

Love you guys!

~ Indi


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