ALLLLLLLLLLLLL the writing/bookish things!

So. In case you haven't read my older posts yet, or if you're new, I'm kind of writing a book?! It's crazy and awesome and just GAH all at the same time. But I love it. SO MUCH.

So I've already started a Google Form for a beta reader sign-up. If you're interested, please sign up! *NOTE* It will be a little while before I start sending it out to people. It needs a LOT of polishing up. But I'm asking around for betas now so that I don't have to do it later. xD So here is the link.

So that's all for the beta readers right now... AH. BOOKS. Also, later this year, I might be going to meet my favorite author?!! So her name is Jacqueline West, and she is SO AMAZING. AHHHHHHHH. SO you can find her blog here. It's so pretty and sophisticated and AH. I really want to go to one of her events... 

So I'm already almost done with my first draft?!! GAH. I think I might finish the first draft today. Maybe. Not very likely. xD

Anyway, love you guys!!

~ Indi


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