September Wrap-Up (and a writing update!)

So. Tomorrow is already the last day of September?!?! And yes, I realize that I'm doing a September wrap-up early. But I know I won't have time to write this blog post tomorrow, so I'm doing it tonight. xD

So September was fun. School started, the weather started cooling down, leaves started to change color, pumpkin spice lattes came back to Starbucks, sweater weather started, and all the fallish things!

So this month has been busy busy busy. I've started up school again, which means waking up at 6 am constantly, and getting on the bus at 7, and not getting home until 5 on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays because of color guard. That also means homework. And trying to get to bed at a decent time and not staying up until 2 in the morning watching YouTube like I did all summer. And, along with all that, I've started writing.

Like, a book. A book that's currently mangled and mostly word barf.

A book that, when it actually gets read by other people and polished up a little bit (more like a lot), might actually get published someday.

So, a bit of background on the book.

Viola Sharpe is trying to make ends meet. She's single-handedly taking care of her little sister. Then, after a terrifying series of events, Viola's life gets turned upside down. Suddenly she's living in the palace, in love with a prince and engaged to marry him in due time. All the while, she's trying to cover up the fact that she has way too much power and magic in her voice for a lowly Piano. She also happens to be working to help the rebels make things right... from inside the palace. And the prince himself is willing to turn on his parents to make things equal for all. Will the tower Viola has built so cautiously break under pressure? Will she shatter? Will she lose her voice once and for all?

So that's my little synopsis type thing for the book! I will eventually be looking for beta readers, so if you're willing to be a beta reader or hep edit and clean things up, shoot me a comment!

I hope you all are having a lovely fall!

~ Indi


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