
Showing posts from January, 2017

I'm back!!

So. It's January. It's cold and snowy outside, and bright and warm inside. It's finals week, and I'm crazy busy and tired already, but it's definitely an interesting experience. I'm just in a little bit of a brighter spot in life, and it's good. Also, Canadian friends are the best! (Shoutout to Jules, Ares, Suzy, Danny, and (last but definitely not least) Aidan! Love you all! *hands you all maple butter and meese*)  I'm happy but tired, but life is good right now. Lots of friends are making me smile, and I love you all. Also, my apologies for the slight blog hiatus... I was super stressed and tired, but I'm alive! Barely hanging by a thread, but still... Love you guys! And, since it's a new year, I'm using a new outro!! ~ Indi