
Showing posts from July, 2016

A Welcoming Post of Sorts

Hello there! This is my first post on a new blog- the beginning of an epic adventure. Now this adventure is one you haven't heard of before: my life (in which nothing ever happens and you have to read through my rambles. MWAHAHAHA. xD) and my experience with writing. So this blog is mostly about writing, but there might be some tidbits from my personal life in some posts. I'm going to attempt to update every week... I'm not sure if that's going to happen. xD So I'm currently on the first draft of my first actual novel. I'm trying my hardest to stick with it and not abandon it like I have with so many other attempts, because it has such a promising plot line and it just feels... right. Like with all my other attempts, they were just... BLAH, and this one feels so AWESOME. I feel like I've finally found my voice with this one. And I am definitely going to tell you when I need beta readers! And hey, if you like my blog, maybe tell your friends about i